
The comic strip, long referred to as "the Ninth Art" worldwide, sees Gianni De Luca celebrated as one of Italy's foremost artists at WOW - Spazio Fumetto - Milan's Comic Art Museum. The exhibition showcases over 130 of his original artworks, highlighting his absolute aesthetic beauty and groundbreaking contributions to this expressive medium. The exhibition traces De Luca's evolution from his post-war work with "Il Vittorioso" to masterpieces for "Il Giornalino," focusing particularly on episodes featuring the famed detective Spada set in 1970s Milan and his adaptations of Shakespearean tragedies. The exhibit is supplemented with periodicals and unique or unpublished works, all displayed in museum-quality frames. Information is enhanced through a special museum web app developed in collaboration with Fabio Castagna (GlobalMedia), offering geolocated content accessible only within the museum premises.

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